  Public Ticket #170199
Masonry w/ No Sidebar - Extra Spacing Between Tiles


  • Chris started the conversation


    I'm developing a Salient-based website for a new client. At first, the Masonry w/ no sidebar formatting for the Blog was working fine; however, it since has started adding too much space between the columns of tiles -- it appears it is only using 3 columns, when it should be 4.




  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Chris!

    You're using the masonry full width option which changes the column number based on screen size. It will actually be all the up to 5 columns when viewed on a large desktop and down to 3 on a small one. I have confirmed that it's still working correcting the same as the demo - perhaps you were viewing on a larger window/montior before?

  • [deleted] replied


    I am having exactly the same issue as Chris (which I can see is now resolved) on a client website I'm creating:

    To view: http://ocia.worshipdigital.co.uk/
    user: ocia
    pass: tRF7pZ4I4tRE

     - See the blog posts pulled in to the homepage

    On many different browser sizes too few columns are displayed leaving a lot of space between the blocks, here is a screenshot to illustrate the issue: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/uploads-eu.hipc...

    I've tried everything but can't fix this, can you help?

    Thanks in advance,


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Ben, are you on Salient v3.1.5? This issue was resolved in that (it's a Chrome 33 bug).

    Checking on Firefox & Chrome I'm unable to replicate this on your site currently. Have you sorted it?

    Cheers :)

  • [deleted] replied


    Thanks for your response - the problem is still there, I've just changed the homepage blog layout from full-width to hide it for now.

    I'm on Salient Version: 3.1, though I only bought the theme 7 days ago, have you released an update since then? - If so how can I upgrade?


  •  9,085
    Tahir replied

    Hey Ben!

    Yes we do have an update you can update your theme by downloading a fresh copy from ThemeForest, deleting the current version you have on your server and uploading the new.

    It's recommended that you use FTP, but this also can be done with the WP dashboard if you prefer. The reason FTP is superior for this is because the theme won't have to be deactivated during the process so you won't have to reassign your widgets. If you're
    interested in keeping up to date with the latest changes and fixes, please refer to the <a href="http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html">changelog </a>
    Also, remember to clear your browser cache after each update if you notice anything off. Old theme files can persist in your local cache and make you think something's wrong.


    ThemeNectar Support Team