  Public Ticket #1712495


  • mmarce started the conversation


    I'm struggling with the translation of my theme...

    I installed "Loco translate" plugin and it appears that the "redux-framework" text-domain is the main one used. Problem is, in that model i can't find strings as "View larger" (used on hover in Image grid style shortcode) or "Comments" (used on the Single template)...

    I found a .pot file called "nectar_salient_strings.pot" in the theme's 'lang' folder which seems to contain all the strings i need, but this model file is not used.

    Opening the single.php template, i found that the strings i'm interested in refer to 'salient' text-domain which is not used ("__('Share this', NECTAR_THEME_NAME)" where constant is "salient" in my case). There is a salient.pot file in the theme's 'lang' folder but which does not contain the right strings...

    So, as you can see i'm a little bit lost with all those different translation files !

    I tried to add a set of translations to 'Salient' theme using 'salient' text-domain' and the 'nectar_salient_string' pot file (renamed 'salient.pot') and thus created 'salient-fr_FR.po' and 'salient-fr_FR.mo' files. But when i reload my website page, nothing changed and the corresponding translations are not found.

  •  9,082
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Try using this Plugin : https://wordpress.org/plugins/say-what/ . 

    You can find the list of string in "salient/lang/nectar_salient_strings.pot" file next to the "msgid" variable as below.

    msgid "Leave a Reply"
    msgid "Cancel Reply"

    In The "Text Domain" field write "salient" without quotes . If you are trying to change woocommerce words  add "woocommerce" in "Text domain" . The fields are case-sensitive meaning "next project" wont work and you will have to add "Next Project" .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • mmarce replied

    Thank you Tahir, but this does not work.. i installed the "Say What?" plugin, entered a new string "View Larger" and translated it to "Agrandir" in french with the "salient" text-domain, and this has no effect. I also tried with "redux-framework" and even "nectar_salient_strings" text domains.

    For information i'm trying to translate the "View larger" string you can find on the grey button when you roll over one of the square images on this page : https://dev.acanthe-deco.fr/nos-realisations/

  • mmarce replied

    My mistake, it works, i think it was a case-sensitive matter, thanks !