  Public Ticket #172020
Custom Portfolio Thumbnails Style


  • Mike started the conversation


    1) I would like to ask if its possible to integrate custom elements on Portfolio Thumbnails on hover.

    By default there is title of project, date and also /plus/ symbol in the bottom left corner. 

    In custom code I have already succesfully removed the plus and edited the style a little bit. 
    However, I would like to integrate some small elements on hover, to corners probably.

    I added small idea preview in attachment. Would it be possible that these icons will have its own funcionality? (Flag - Report page.., Hearth - add another love). 

    I would be so glad if you can help me with this. Also, absolutely nice work on this template. I have an idea and I would like to stay in contact with you, if it is possible.

    2) Is it possible to integrate pages and posts into Portfolio Layout?
    So it doesnt display only portfolio items, but also pages and posts?

    3) Kinda probably difficult and hard question, would it be possible to be able to sort portfolio according to "Most favourite", Random and New?

    Fuu, when I read this its probably way too much to ask :X but at least I want to try, if you will have a time to look at this, I would be super incredibly grateful for it.

    I wish you best luck not only with this theme but with anything you gonna do in the future.



  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Mike!

    1. Adding custom elements into the hover would require editing the shortcode-processing.php file located in the nectar/tinymce directory. However, I'm releasing a new portfolio style in the next update and i'll keep this in mind for inspiration :)

    2. You can define an external URL for projects which could link to a post/page. This field is located in the project configuration box in every project.

    3. There's really no easy way to do this without modding that file I listed in #1 again, but I'll also note this for the wishlist.

    Cheers :)

  •   Mike replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Mike! You don't need an extended license for this case :)
