Hey guys, my website using your fabulous Salient theme is JustFNTravel.com. I've just updated my theme to the latest version and I seem to have encountered what could be a minor bug. I'm using the "Header Color Scheme" light with the "Transparent Header When Available" option selected and the "Header Starting Text Color" is #FFF. However the "Header Starting Text Color" appears to be defaulting to #888. How can I resolve this - am I missing something? Thanks, Rowan
Hey guys, my website using your fabulous Salient theme is JustFNTravel.com. I've just updated my theme to the latest version and I seem to have encountered what could be a minor bug. I'm using the "Header Color Scheme" light with the "Transparent Header When Available" option selected and the "Header Starting Text Color" is #FFF. However the "Header Starting Text Color" appears to be defaulting to #888. How can I resolve this - am I missing something? Thanks, Rowan
Hey Again,
Try turning off the Minfication and caching in the Plugin settings and check .
ThemeNectar Support Team