  Public Ticket #1729152
Portfolio Thumbnails


  • obiwankevnobi started the conversation

    When adding square images as portfolio items, the thumbnail gets cropped in the portfolio page builder module as rectangles.

    When applying a custom thumbnail, text escapes the alt tag with some markup.

    It would be nice if the thumbnail didn't has it's aspect ratio changed and remained a square.

  •  9,082
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Try adjusting the options in here: http://prntscr.com/l03uz5 . If it still doesnt work then the Image sizes would need to be adjusted in a child theme.

    Please update to Salient Theme Version 9.01 and Salient VC 5.5.2. 

    If you are not seeing the Plugin Update Notification you need to uncheck the " Disable Theme Reccomended Plugin Notifications " Field in "Salient Theme Options Panel"  -> General Settings -> "Toggle Theme Features" Section .

    To get a list of Bug Fixes and new Feature addons in the Latest Theme update,  the changelog can be viewed here : http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html .

    Update the theme by following this guide: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/updating-salient/ .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • obiwankevnobi replied

    Cool - it was an issue being logged in as admin. When logged out there was no escaping text. However I'm running into another problem regarding SSL. It appears I have images being brought in with http: but in the dom they are https:. I can't find where the references to the images live.

    I attached an example of the homepage banner. In the markup the background image is https but the request is http.

    I tried throwing a plugin that forces SSL at it but that didn't resolve the issue.


  •  5
    Brendan replied

    I find Really Simple SSL works really well with Salient @obiwankevnobi . Might fix your issue.