Each time I try to upload the theme Zip file in Wordpress, I got "Problem uploading theme" message. I talked to Wordpress live support, and they asked me to try another them, which perfectly worked. So the problem might be with the theme file itself! How can I solve this issue please? I"m in a rush with the project deadlines
Each time I try to upload the theme Zip file in Wordpress, I got "Problem uploading theme" message. I talked to Wordpress live support, and they asked me to try another them, which perfectly worked. So the problem might be with the theme file itself! How can I solve this issue please? I"m in a rush with the project deadlines
Your PHP Settings are likely not correct. Also ensure you are running PHP version 7.1 and not 7.2 as its incompatible .
You can verify your PHP configuration limits by installing a simple plugin called WordPress phpinfo http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-php-info/
Recommended PHP configuration limits are as follows:
Please have your hosting provider fix this for you so it can be installed correctly.
ThemeNectar Support Team