  Public Ticket #176183
shortcode to insert php


  • rico started the conversation


    I would like to know if there is a way to insert PHP using a shortcode. I'm using Facebook api (PHP) to display the number of my Facebook Page fans just before the footer (fullwith + background image).

    It"s work if I write the PHP in the footer.php file, but I would prefer to do all my customizations without altering the original theme files.

    A PHP shortcode will be very helpful since I could display it only on the home page and I don't have to worry when updating Salient.

    I tried the "raw HTML" and "JS" shortcodes but it doesn't work.

    One more thing, is there a way (CSS class or JS) to animate the number of fans generated buy the PHP like in milestone ?

    Thanks in advance.


  • rico replied


    I can insert PHP code with shortcode (text editor) by using Exec PHP Wordpress plugin, but if you know a better and cleaner way, I'll be happy to know it.

    If you have time to answer my other question about number animation.



  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Rico,

    Glad you sorted the PHP query - and yes, that method is perfectly fine.

    In regards to the animation of a number you can just place your number and text inside of this:


    That's the raw html which will trigger the milestone animation which you can feed any number you want from any source now that you can use PHP in the editor :)

    Cheers :)

  • rico replied

    Hey Nectar,

    That's works, thank you very much ^_^ !

    Feel free to make this public if it can help others.

    Have a great week.


  • Andrew replied

    hey rico! how exactly did you get this to work? I want to pull my number off of an xml file from http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/deadlydragon218 to get the subscriber count of my channel however I just can't seem to get it working in wordpress, out side of wordpress my php works great! however the moment I try to put it into the visual composer i get NaN not a number, I even tried changing the output to an integer http://deadlydragongaming.com is the page btw :)

  • rico replied

    Hi Andrew did you try this ?

         <div class="nectar-milestone">
               <div class="number extra-color-1">65 (number generated by PHP)</div>
               <div class="subject">YouTube followers</div>
  • Andrew replied

    Well what I want to have happen is, that I wont have to manually change the number anymore, btw I am new to how php works, so what i am doing is 

        <div class="nectar-milestone">
            <div class="number extra-color-1">
    echo youtube_subscribers("deadlydragon218");
    function youtube_subscribers($user)
        $xml = file_get_contents('http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/' . strtolower($user));
        $xml = str_replace('yt:', 'yt', $xml);
        $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
        $subs = $xml->ytstatistics['subscriberCount'];
        <div class="subject">YouTube followers</div>
    just so you can see what my code is, the php works great! I just need to find a way to pass that number as a number and not a string I think that is my current problem, as the milestone code is looking for an integer value I believe, I just want to pass the php value through this visual, that way I no longer have to change it manually everytime I get a new subscriber
  • Andrew replied

    I got it to work! turns out it was nub coding xD


    $name = 'deadlydragon218';

    $url = sprintf('http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/%s?alt=json', urlencode($name));

    $json = @file_get_contents($url); // Naughty @-operator, use proper error handling

    $data = json_decode($json, TRUE);

    $count = (int) $data['entry']['yt$statistics']['subscriberCount'];




    <span><?php echo $count ?></span></div>



    I forgot to echo the $count I was just placing $count in their xD 

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Thanks for posting back. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team