Hey, Sorry If you've answered this before but I can't seem to find an answer that works anywhere.
I'm trying to use a nectar button to open a lightbox gallery.
In the above page in the link at the gellery section, you'll see that I've made a link that opens the fancybox but how do I get it to open the gallery above (which currently has a class of 'pp' )?
Thanks for the reply and link, I'm quite familiar with the Salient documentation. I was hoping you could offer some insight into the code that's needed for this...
Here is a link to the page that I'm struggling with, you'll see that I managed to do this with an external plugin at the top but this makes it quite slow and heavy.
Unfortunately there is no such Code guide available. You will have to view the Documnetation of the Specific Ligthbox Libraries and use it as a reference to open a Gallery via a Button .
- What you are requesting is a advanced customization of a Third Party JS Library being used in Salient which is subject to change in the future therefore we can not take responsibility of any additional code and hence there is no support for it . You can check the Theme support policy here http://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy .
Hey, Sorry If you've answered this before but I can't seem to find an answer that works anywhere.
I'm trying to use a nectar button to open a lightbox gallery.
In the above page in the link at the gellery section, you'll see that I've made a link that opens the fancybox but how do I get it to open the gallery above (which currently has a class of 'pp' )?
Hey Again,
Unfortunately this will have to be custom coded as there is no such feature available in the Salient Theme . See url : http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/galleries/ .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hi Tahir,
Thanks for the reply and link, I'm quite familiar with the Salient documentation. I was hoping you could offer some insight into the code that's needed for this...
Here is a link to the page that I'm struggling with, you'll see that I managed to do this with an external plugin at the top but this makes it quite slow and heavy.
Further below you'll see the gallery with a View Gallery link. http://ourdevserver.com/pendaphoto/tour/gorilla-photography-workshop-uganda/
Hey Again,
Unfortunately there is no such Code guide available. You will have to view the Documnetation of the Specific Ligthbox Libraries and use it as a reference to open a Gallery via a Button .
This might help: Make button open lightbox
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hey Again,
- What you are requesting is a advanced customization of a Third Party JS Library being used in Salient which is subject to change in the future therefore we can not take responsibility of any additional code and hence there is no support for it . You can check the Theme support policy here http://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy .
ThemeNectar Support Team