  Public Ticket #177025
Font file size...


  • Harvey started the conversation

    Hey chaps, me again! I'm looking at the speed of my site, and on a product page which is 1.5Mb in size - over one third of that is taken up by loading fonts....

    Can this be right? I only use the one same font througout the site, and clearly that's going to slow be down a load.....

    What can be done?

    Thanks! :)

  • Harvey replied

    I've attached a PDF from pingdom, thanks

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Harvey - those are all the default fonts:

    Open sans in 4 weights which are used by default throughout the theme for various elements and the others are the font icons available through the icon shortcode. If you're not using the icon shortcode you're free to unqueue those stylesheets which contain the rules to load the fonts from the functions.php file. Just search for:


    Cheers :)