  Public Ticket #177098
A little help please


  •   Richard started the conversation
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Rich!

    It seems you've sorted most of these already, but I logged in and added the parallax background example as you requested :)


  • Richard replied

    Thank you :-)

    Yep nearly sorted out all my questions now, and thanks for sorting the parallax background.

    Now my last query is how do I make the recent projects carousel pull in articles from the blog eg like: http://thelifecycle.roblutter.com/journal/, my page is here: http://richpearson.co.uk/journal/.

    I tried to follow your instructions on TF but I still can't achieve what I'm after, basically the recent projects, only gives me the options to dynamically pull in the portfolio categories, I need it to have an option to pull in blog categories.

    There must be a way around this as Rob has achieved it but for the life of me I can't see it, you wrote:

    1. There’s an option for “External Project URL” in each of your project edit/create screens. It’s located in the project configuration box and can be used to link the project to anywhere you need it.

    I couldn't find what I was looking for in the edit screen here?? Hoping you can help or log back in and quickly fix pleaseeee :-)


  • Richard replied

    Just an update after searching around some some time, It appears that there is no way to do this, did Rob perhaps amend the code behind the scenes so that recent projects short code had the ability to pull in categories from the blog area as well? and if this is the solution please can you tell mw which files I need to edit and what code I need to change/add please?

    Many Thanks

  • Steve replied

    Hi Richard,

    May I suggest you modify your first post and remove your user name and log in and re post it as a private comment. If the wrong person gets this information they can do untold damage to your site and hijack it.

    Just a suggestion.


  • Richard replied

    Hi Steve is that better now? Are you able to help me with my query as above?

  • Steve replied

    Yes that is better and no sorry I cant help with your question, was just browsing and noticed that you had posted that info and would hate to see your work destroyed by some idiot. Sorry about the repeat posts, this site does not like the back button much.

  • Richard replied

    Sorry bud re the above and comments on TF I still can't figure out getting the 'Recent Project' VC Item to pull in News articles...

    You wrote earlier      "He just used the External Project URL field I was mentioning previously to link to each category directly. The image is still coming from the featured image set on the project :)"

    Maybe you could log in with details in first private message at the top of this conversation and fix it form? Would be really really grateful...


    Head Scratch Rich

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Rich, sorry for the delay on the forum regarding this ticket - I know we've talked about this and a lot of other questions on the comments page since then on the theme comments so I'm going to close this out for the time being and you can reopen if need be :)


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    One more note - the feature you're looking for that you requested on the comments (transparent header before scroll) is coming in the next update.

    Want to keep this hidden until the release :)