Whenever I am using the in page CSS editor on the salient page builder, I keep getting the AW Snap! error. I have done this on multiple different computers and multiple different internet connections and the same thing happens usually after about 20-80 seconds of editing.
Whenever I am using the in page CSS editor on the salient page builder, I keep getting the AW Snap! error. I have done this on multiple different computers and multiple different internet connections and the same thing happens usually after about 20-80 seconds of editing.
Your PHP Settings are likely not correct. Also ensure you are running PHP version 7.1 and not 7.2 as its incompatible .
You can verify your PHP configuration limits by installing a simple plugin called WordPress phpinfo http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-php-info/
Recommended PHP configuration limits are as follows:
Please have your hosting provider fix this for you so it can be installed correctly.
ThemeNectar Support Team
I Checked. I'm running 7.1. It's still been having the same issues stated previously.
Please check for server php errors using this guide: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/your-complete-guide-to-troubleshooting-wordpress/ . It would be best to contact the hosting provider and have them look into this as they are aware of the Server Configuration Details .
ThemeNectar Support Team