  Public Ticket #180411
Client Carousel not working


  • Matthew started the conversation


    I am trying to add a client carousel within the homepage but for some strange reason it is not apppearing. Can you help please? The client carousel should be appearing under the horizontal line. You may notice that if you hover in that section the carousel is there, it just doesn't appear.

    Please help.

    Many thanks,


  •  9,084
    Tahir replied

    Hey Matthew!

    There seems to be some JS files missing in woo commerce plugin . See Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/31kzvr . Could you please try re-installing the plugin . Also i see some broken markup in the index page. Did you make any changes ?. If yes please see if all the tags are closed eg <div> </div> etc .

    Hope this helps.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   Matthew replied privately
  • Matthew replied

    I uninstalled and reinstalled woocommerce but the result is the same. What I noticed is that when I deactivate woocommerce the client carousel and google map on contact page work fine. It seems that woocommerce is causing a conflict. How can I resolve this please?

  •  9,084
    Tahir replied

    Hey Matthew!

    You can downgrade to an earlier version of WooCommerce and log a complain on their forums. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Matthew replied

    I found a fix, thanks