Quick question... Because I understand that the version of WPBakery included with the theme is specialized to the theme, I am wondering if it is possible or recommended to employ a WPBakery addon that is not available with the theme's version.
Specifically I am looking to add a flipbook element that converts pdf files into an elegant user experience. WP Bakery's Unreal 3D FlipBook addon (https://wpbakery.com/addons/unreal-3d-flipbook/) allegedly provides this capability... And yet do I dare pull the trigger, install and activate it?
There's a good chance it might bring some complication because the salient wpbakery page builder is specially modified to suit the salient theme. But you can go ahead and try it, you always have the option of deactivating if something goes wrong.
Hiya Salient Team,
Quick question... Because I understand that the version of WPBakery included with the theme is specialized to the theme, I am wondering if it is possible or recommended to employ a WPBakery addon that is not available with the theme's version.
Specifically I am looking to add a flipbook element that converts pdf files into an elegant user experience. WP Bakery's Unreal 3D FlipBook addon (https://wpbakery.com/addons/unreal-3d-flipbook/) allegedly provides this capability... And yet do I dare pull the trigger, install and activate it?
Love the theme.
Thanks in advance,
Hey there,
Thanks for reaching in,
There's a good chance it might bring some complication because the salient wpbakery page builder is specially modified to suit the salient theme. But you can go ahead and try it, you always have the option of deactivating if something goes wrong.
Themenectar Support Team