Where would I be able to view a list of the available animated .svg files that are included in the theme? along with their code to include within a text area similar to the first row on the Agency demo theme http://themenectar.com/demo/salient-agency/
Thanks for the swift reply. So all the icons can be animated?
So I would simply reaplce the current "weather_wind_fullmoon.svg" in this code with say "iconsmins-Aries.svg " and it would animate that icon in the drawn style?
Where would I be able to view a list of the available animated .svg files that are included in the theme? along with their code to include within a text area similar to the first row on the Agency demo theme http://themenectar.com/demo/salient-agency/
Many thanks for your help
Hey 8,
You can view them in the Icons : http://prntscr.com/lv084u .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hi Tahir,
Thanks for the swift reply. So all the icons can be animated?
So I would simply reaplce the current "weather_wind_fullmoon.svg" in this code with say "iconsmins-Aries.svg " and it would animate that icon in the drawn style?
[icon color="Extra-Color-3" enable_animation="true" animation_speed="Fast" icon_size="" animation_delay="1000" image="weather_wind_fullmoon.svg"]
Yes you can generate the code via the Shortcodes GUI as well : http://prntscr.com/lv0ssi .
ThemeNectar Support Team