  Public Ticket #1821739
Uneven items in a row


  • Kit started the conversation

    We are working on a new homepage for our website at kirkwoodonlinenews.org and would like to adjust the way the top news stories display underneath the Nectar Slider. You can view the page at https://kirkwoodonlinenews.org/home-proof/

    The second row of content displayed on the page displays the top stories from each blog category using Layout of Masonry Blog No Sidebar and Masonry Layout Style of Classic Enhanced Style. We like the look of this row but would like to make a couple changes:

    Each item is displaying at a different length. 
    -> Is it possible to make these equal?

    -> We would like to remove the heart and number at the bottom of each item.

  •  9,064
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    -No i am afraid there is no option to make it equal , try using the other style and check .

    - You can turn off the meta in here : http://prntscr.com/lv2adh . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team