  Public Ticket #182254
Nav Bar Below Home Slider then Fixed to Top


  • Ali started the conversation

    Hey There! You're pretty amazing at responding. I have a question for you.

    I want to have the navbar below the home slider (or in my case nectar slider) and then when you scroll it becomes fixed to the top like this... 


    What would be the best way to go about doing this? If need be, I can get the javascript file through ftp.

    Thank you!

    Here's my site: 



  •  9,082
    Tahir replied

    Hey Ali!

    You would need to move the home slider in header.php so it is above the menu. I believe its not a simple task so proceed with caution. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Ali replied

    Hey Tahir,

    I found the Nectar Slider that I'm using in the home page in the header.php file in the Editor. Below is the code:

    //check if parallax nectar slider is being used

    $parallax_nectar_slider = (stripos( $post->post_content, '[nectar_slider') !== FALSE && stripos( $post->post_content, '[nectar_slider') < 250 ) ? '1' : null;

    $logo_class = (!empty($options['use-logo']) && $options['use-logo'] == '1') ? null : 'class="no-image"';


    <body <?php body_class(); ?> data-bg-header="<?php echo (!empty($header_bg) || !empty($header_title) || $parallax_nectar_slider == '1') ? 'true' : 'false'; ?>" data-header-color="<?php echo (!empty($options['header-color'])) ? $options['header-color'] : 'light' ; ?>" data-smooth-scrolling="<?php echo $options['smooth-scrolling']; ?>" data-responsive="<?php echo (!empty($options['responsive']) && $options['responsive'] == 1) ? '1' : '0' ?>" >

    However, it look like the Nectar Slider is already beneath the main menu ie (the code below) in the header.php file:

    <div id="header-outer" data-using-secondary="<?php echo ($using_secondary == 'header_with_secondary') ? '1' : '0'; ?>" data-using-logo="<?php if(!empty($options['use-logo'])) echo $options['use-logo']; ?>" data-logo-height="<?php if(!empty($options['logo-height'])) echo $options['logo-height']; ?>" data-padding="<?php echo (!empty($options['header-padding'])) ? $options['header-padding'] : "20"; ?>" data-header-resize="<?php if(!empty($options['header-resize-on-scroll'])) echo $options['header-resize-on-scroll']; ?>">

    Would you mind taking a closer look at this to help me figure out how to place the main nav bar beneath the nectar slider?  

    Also, If this is not possible, I would like the navbar to be like www.robinhood.com , where the navbar doesn't show up until the nectar slider is off the page and then it sticks to the top.

    Thank you!


    [email protected] 

  •  9,082
    Tahir replied

    Hey Ali!

    Unfortunately this would require some custom development. If you really need this modification done you could head on over to microlancer which is a service from Envato that offers paid WordPress customizations. I'm sure a developer on there would be able to wrap this up for you :)


    ThemeNectar Support Team