  Public Ticket #183739
Embedded Vimeo Renders Blank


  • Andre started the conversation

    Too bad I can't reply on existing posts in Themeforest but I am having the same issue as ArtDesigner posted about a week ago.


    Hi there, I’m using your great theme a couple of months now. The installation and configuration of the Theme itself took place using Firefox. Now that the site is alomst ready to show off I did some tests using different browsers. I noticed that your theme has a few problems with displaying the portfolio items correctly when using IE10!! I mean this is a major bug, because the images disappear randomly or the don’t get loaded properly. I tested this on 3 different machines using window 8 and 7. On Safari and Firefox I couldn’t reproduce this error. Since IE10 is used by a lot of people I think fixing this error is a must, otherwise I see really a problem using this theme further because you never know if the user gets to see what he is supposed to see or just blank images placeholders. I have attached a few screenshots so you can see what I mean. I could reproduce this error on your online DEMO site as well. I first tought it was my installation but it isn’t! See attached screenshots. I think this problem came with version 3.0 but I’m not sure because as said I was using Firefox to setup and configure the site so I really got to notice it only recently.

    Another problem that comes with IE10 as well is that when changing from one page to another for one or two seconds the font type gets changed. This is not a big problem but still disturbing for the user I think.


    Upon reload in Internet Explorer, I do then see the content. It is just the initial load that renders blank.


  •  9,082
    Tahir replied

    Hey Andre!

    I just tested it in IE8 on win7 and your site seems to load fine . Could you please check your IE for any browser extensions and disable them and test ?. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Andre replied

    A few reports are using IE10 and IE11. I'm able to reproduce the issue on IE11 as well. I haven't tested them in older IE. As I mentioned in my original post, it is only on the initial load. If you refresh the page then the video shows up just fine. Odd huh...

  •  9,082
    Tahir replied

    Hey Andre!

    I have starred the ticket for the developer so that he can take a look at this ticket. Though currently he has his hands full with the latest major update so it might take a while for him to get back to you. Thank you for your patience.

    Best Regards


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Andre replied

    Hey Tahir,

    Thank you. Let me know if I need to provide any additional information for you guys. Can't wait to see what's new with the major upgrade!


  •  9,082
    Tahir replied

    Hey Andre!

    4.0 is out . Could you test it and let us know if the issues have been resolved on your end . Also please see our changlog for more info http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html .


    ThemeNectar Support Team