  Public Ticket #1855711
Creating portfolio homepage


  • Greg Daughtry started the conversation

    I have been a video editor for many years, but web design is very new to me...so please be gentle. I have created a portfolio page that has a video header named 'What We've Done"....which is also the name I wish to have as a header menu item.  I have begun to populate a portfolio items beneath the header, and of course one of the stills has the name 'What We've Done" and the page just links back to itself...when I'd like it to link to a demo reel compilation. How do I add the What We've Done as a header menu title as well?

    Many thanks for an and all help!  Here's The URL: http://www.riversedgecreative.com/portfolio/what-weve-done/

  •  9,063
    Tahir replied

    Hey Greg,

    The Header Link is the main portfolio link which can be set in here : http://prntscr.com/m7w3yh . Also you can override it in the individual portfolio edit page as well: http://prntscr.com/m7w5lw .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Greg Daughtry replied


    I am definitely missing something here.  If you look at this url: http://www.riversedgecreative.com/portfolio/what-weve-done/

    I created this page as a new portfolio item.  I then added the portfolio element to the page.  I did need to do that right?

    I am completely happy with the page, I like the header and the title of the page, other than, I do not want the "What We've Done" box at the bottom of the page. I would simply like to have this as a completely separate portfolio item, like Demo Compilation...anything other than "What We've Done"  When I go to parent portfolio override on my main portfolio page with all the boxes, it only gives me a Default option and no other options. I feel like I am missing something very simple here. There seems like there should just be a 'Portfolio Home Page' option that allows me to add the header and title without automatically creating a portfolio box as well.  What am I missing? Thanks for your help!

  • Greg Daughtry replied

    I just read my reply again...perhaps this will clarify...let's say that I want my home portfolio page to be called 'Portfolio'  I would not want a box beneath automatically named 'Portfolio' that links back to itself...I just want it to be it's own separate item.  All of my 'Parent Portfolio Override' selections on all of the portfolio pages I've created only allow 'Default' with no other options.  Thanks again!

  •  9,063
    Tahir replied

    There needs to be a Porfolio Page Element on the particular page for it to show up in the Override List . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team