  Public Ticket #1858427
Iframe no longer working


  •  3
    cipriano2u started the conversation

    Hi, This page contains an iframe from an external site. It was working earlier today but has stopped working:


    The iframe:
    <iframe style=" width:100%; height: 3150px; margin-bottom: 20px; border: 0px solid #000; background: none; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"src="http://www.finn.no/pw/search/car-norway?orgId=399346736">

    The src link within works: http://www.finn.no/pw/search/car-norway?orgId=399346736

    Help!! How can I resolve this. 

  •  9,063
    Tahir replied

    I am not seeing anything being output: http://prntscr.com/m8ghki .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  3
    cipriano2u replied

    Hi Tahir, Yes thats the problem. It was working earlier:

    I tested the iframe with an external html and it works. 

    I am using WPBakery (page composer) "raw html"  element. Is there a work around WPBakery?

    The tried this in classic mode and it is not working as well. :(

    <p>[vc_row][vc_column][vc_raw_html]<iframe style=" width:100%; height: 3150px; margin-bottom: 20px; border: 0px solid #000; background: none; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"

  •  3
    cipriano2u replied

    Sorry Tahir, I took it out to try different things.

    I put the iframe back:https://biltunet.no/bruktbil/

    see attachement

  •  9,063
    Tahir replied

    Seems like a SSL issue: http://prntscr.com/m8hdf0 . Try using this plugin or similar: https://wordpress.org/plugins/really-simple-ssl/ . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  3
    cipriano2u replied

    Ok Tahir, I will give this a try. 

    I appreciate your help. 

  •  3
    cipriano2u replied

    Never mind Tahir. I fixed it. 

    I installed the Plugin. it recognized the existing SSL. But had and issue because of a caching plugin. I cleared that...now works like a charm.


    Hey Tahir, We already have a SSL certificate for the site. 
    Should I install the plugin anyway and set it up with the existing certificate? Will that help or is it another issue?
