  Public Ticket #1870775
Customize 'empty' search results Page?


  • takushid started the conversation


    Is there a way to customize the page layout that appears when visitor search results return "empty"? For instance, if visitors type in a keyword that does NOT appear on the website, is there a way to suggest products that they may be looking for?

    As of now, the "empty search results" page lets visitors know:
    "Sorry, no results were found.  Please try again with different keywords."
    Is there a way to place product images below that notification?

    There is a customizable sidebar, which is great, but I would also like to see if some product images could populate below the notification as well.

    Thank you,

  •  9,063
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    No i am afraid the Salient Theme has no such option available . You can only change the overall appearance of it in Salient Theme Options Panel : http://prntscr.com/md7l0a .


    ThemeNectar Support Team