  Public Ticket #188281
Home Slider Height not true height


  • Carl started the conversation

    I have made my 3 home slider images 376 px tall, and I made this the setting in the home slider options, however, they still get cut off on the top, and display a black bar on the top. Really irritating. Help?


  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Carl!

    The slider is using the CSS cover property which scales the image according to the browser size automatically. Therefore the cropping is occurring. Please wait a couple of days for version 4.0 which has a image contain option that should help with the cropping.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  1
    Nathan replied

    Has this been deployed yet?  I am having the same issue.

  • Carl replied

    When I updated to ver. 4.0, it didn't immediately fix it. However, when I made a new nectar slider, and added a new page, somehow my main slider fixed itself. Voodoo probably. Hopefully you can keep fiddling around and get your issue fixed too.

  •  1
    Nathan replied

    So creating a Nectar slider, adding a new page....that fixes it?  Worth a try.  I will keep you posted.  Hopefully Tahir has more input soon.  I am running 4.0 but still having an issue, especially on mobile devices.

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey !

    It seems that Nectar had priority over other things in version 4.0 . So not much controls added yet.  Btw do update to 4.0.3 if you guys havent. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  1
    Nathan replied

    Ok I updated to 4.0.3 and WP 3.9.  I guess I am not understanding why the images are not downsizing to fit mobile devices...I need a large image for full size view and I would assume it would shrink it for me....so how is someone supposed to have a large image like suggested and still have the site look decent on a mobile device?

    The home slider states below - I have that set...help!

    Slide Image

    The image should be between 1600px - 2000px in width and have a minimum height of 700px for best results.

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Guys,

    Just to clear up the confusion - the Nectar Slider and the Home Slider are two different sliders. The Nectar slider will scale down much better for mobile and also received the option for "flexible height" in 4.0 which allows for perfect proportional scaling on any device/screen size. Use the Nectar Slider (tutorial here) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLU9Pxo_RD8 with that option active instead of the Home Slider if you wish to have no clipping on mobile. 

    Cheers :)