1. My homepage slider is no longer working....was before but now no more slides are showing !?!
2. A simple youtube video embed code on a simple page....video shows on back-end but not the front-end... :(
I am really stumped and I can't understand why the video is not showing....maybe this has to do with paid membership pro plugin !?! Which I installed recently...
I have 2 issues today :
1. My homepage slider is no longer working....was before but now no more slides are showing !?!
2. A simple youtube video embed code on a simple page....video shows on back-end but not the front-end... :(
I am really stumped and I can't understand why the video is not showing....maybe this has to do with paid membership pro plugin !?! Which I installed recently...
Hey Sophie !
Yes it is likely the plugin is causing issue. Please log a complain with them . Also i see these JS errors : http://prntscr.com/3622ta .
All the Best,
ThemeNectar Support Team
Alright I suspected as such...I uninstalled a few "no-longer-useful" plugins and bingo: both problems are gone :)
Not sure which plugin was the culprit though...but it wasn't my membership plugin which is all I cared about !!
Thank you !