  Public Ticket #191238
After update: transparant header doesn't work, logo is displayed twice


  • Casandra started the conversation

    Hi, after update to v4.0 the setting for transparant header doesn't work at my site?

    Also logo is displayed twice and the extended responsive mode doesn't work correctly with full width portfolio. Is there something I can do?

  • Ben replied

    Same happened to me.I downloaded the new update and then renamed my old theme file to old and uploaded the latest theme folder to FTP. The Nectar slider images stopped loading in the slider and the logo was displayed 2 times. I had to roll back. Is there any issue with this update please?

  • Casandra replied

    Hi Ben, I actually fixed all these issues. I have a child-theme where the header.php was modified, I had to use the (new) header.php file from the new theme, now everything works! Hope it can help you too.

  • Ben replied

    Hmm that's strange as I'm not using a child theme. I just upgraded the theme as you would normally. :(

  • Mark replied

    Same here, updates of the theme only seem to be working the home-page.. Not a caching problem btw. I use a child theme but there's no header.php 

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Guys !

    We had a issue with the transparent header not working in 4.0. However Version 4.0.1 has it fixed. So please update to Theme Version 4.0.1 and it should work fine .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Mitch replied

    Similar to this issue, when I just now updated to version 4.0.2, (I have a child theme and a minor modification to min-width and min-height on the header logo,) the logo appeared twice. Inspecting the source, it appeared as if retina-logo and default-logo were the cause of this. 

    I can't be sure this actually resolved it or not, or whether my Mac or my Safari session was just wonky, but I went and re-saved the permalinks, and the issue seemed to resolve itself.

    I performed the update on my development site. I'll next perform it on the production site and report back if the same issue occurs again.

  • Mitch replied

    I'm back. After updating to 4.0.2 on the production site ( I know I could have just pushed the dev site over to the production, but I didn't,) the same issue occurred, but this time, instead of re-saving the permalinks (which I figured was probably a non sequitur anyway,) all I did this time was refresh the browser. It resolved itself just fine.

    Attached are screenshots of before and after:

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Mitch!

    We have changed the logo markup a bit to make room for the new transparent header options. Therefore you would need to update you child theme header.php if you have one copied from the parent theme and modified it. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team