  Public Ticket #193587
Search and background bugs


  • Emilie started the conversation

    Hello  :)

    you\'ve done great work on salient.

    Got couple of problems there :

    1/ When clicking on search on the header, it reloads the page instead of letting me type in it. It used to work, now does not anymore, with no change to the layout ... o_o

    2/ on my blog page, I used a nectar slider on top, and put a background to the blog part. There is a bug when scrolling, at first blog part has got a white background, and we need to scroll down enough for it to become the selected background image or color...

    Thanks in advance :)
    Tell me if you need an access to my website

  • Emilie replied

    Ok, I managed to solve the search bar problem : I had put a negative padding in the header options (-50) and it prevented search from working well... 
    Still a bug with background, im gonna look for it too, so people that have the same issue might use these solutions :)

  • Emilie replied

    For background issue with nectar slider : I foudn that I could not use parallax for nectar slider AND the background in the section under it (blog) at the same time. It creates a white gap.
    I just have to chose if its really needed to use parallax on both sections, but works fine if I only activate it on one.

    Might help someone :)

  • Emilie replied

    Maybe you'll have a solution for me to be able to activate parallax on both items :)

  •  9,082
    Tahir replied

    Hey Emilie!

    Could you setup a test page where you see the error so we can check it out and write up some custom css to fix it. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team