  Public Ticket #1944719
sizing background image


  • barbmcgrath started the conversation

    Hi, I am adding a watermark to the background of select panels on this website.


    I am trying to size the watermark image to a specific size as opposed to one very large watermark or multiple repeating watermarks.

    I tried: 

    #fws_5c95129db51d1 > div > div > div > div > div.row-bg-wrap > div.inner-wrap.using-image > div {

    background-image: url  (url)!important;

    height: 250px;

    What am I missing?

  •  9,063
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    You will have to create a orange image of 1920x1080px and then add the watermark to it as there is no such option to resize the background image at the moment. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team