My site is quite slow on mobile and while I've optimised Wordpress and my content as much as I can, I'm still getting some sluggishness from the Salient theme.
One thing that happens often are flashes of the background of the off-canvas navigation when scrolling, even though off-canvas navigation is disabled.
Would you be able to walk me though the best way to optimise Salient theme for speed?
Hey guys,
My site is quite slow on mobile and while I've optimised Wordpress and my content as much as I can, I'm still getting some sluggishness from the Salient theme.
One thing that happens often are flashes of the background of the off-canvas navigation when scrolling, even though off-canvas navigation is disabled.
Would you be able to walk me though the best way to optimise Salient theme for speed?
Hey .,
Try using the Optimization plugins recommended in this Article and check if that makes a difference .
ThemeNectar Support Team