  Public Ticket #1985618
Installing Salient theme error


  • JorgeSuarez started the conversation

    Having trouble installing the Theme. The wordpress message as I attach hereby is "the link has expired".

    I thought It was because my Salient download was old so I bought it again, but the error remains (so I wasted 60 USD...).

    Please, help!

  •  75
    Scott replied

    Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching in, Sorry about the issue.

    You are viewing this error because your server settings for upload max size or maximum memory are not well configured. Nothing to do with the theme.

    Your PHP Settings are likely not correct. 

    Please ensure you are running the PHP version 7.1 or 7.2

    You can verify your PHP configuration limits by installing a simple plugin called WordPress phpinfo http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-php-info/

    Recommended PHP configuration limits are as follows:

    max_execution_time 60
    memory_limit 256M
    post_max_size 48M
    upload_max_filesize 48M

    Please have your host fix this up for you.


    Themenectar Support Team