Hi there! I am having an issue with Gravity Forms on my Salient Theme-driven Wordpress site. The text next to radio buttons is not visible in forms. I've seen others say that it is most-likely theme related, so I wanted to see if anyone could help me. The site is not live, it is currently being built on ServerPress, so please excuse the fact that I have not included a URL.
Hi there! I am having an issue with Gravity Forms on my Salient Theme-driven Wordpress site. The text next to radio buttons is not visible in forms. I've seen others say that it is most-likely theme related, so I wanted to see if anyone could help me. The site is not live, it is currently being built on ServerPress, so please excuse the fact that I have not included a URL.
Hey ,
Try adjusting these options and check : http://prntscr.com/njgocb .
ThemeNectar Support Team