  Public Ticket #199582
Wordpress 3.9 Visual Editor Problem with Theme


  • Beau started the conversation

    Hello i purchased Salient theme 2 months ago. I recently updated wordpress to 3.9. Now the visual editor is not displaced when you click on edit for text & titles etc. How can we fix this issues as it seems the theme is not compatial as wordpress upgraded there visual editor. Alot of people are having this problem is there a coding sequence so that it\\\'s compatible with the new wordpress 3.9.

  • Beau replied

    Also i have No Idea on how to upgrade the Sailent to the latest Version where it has addressed those issues. Please help me with this.

  • Beau replied

    I have a further two questions that need to be answered:

    1: When uploading Salient too FTP file manager will it override the old setting and lose our content:

    2: Since Upgrading to 3.9 It now says current Salient theme is broken and Style sheet is missing

    Please Please Help out big time with this. Alot of development has gone into www.viewtrakruniversity.com which is a membership site.


    Beau Buckley

  • Dave replied

    When you update through FTP all of your theme settings remain.Just download the new .zip of the theme and then unzip on your local machine... FTP in to your site and locate the salient folder, drag from your local box to the same directory and tell it to overwrite when it asks you.

    When you update the site files via FTP your settings and customizations remain.

    Worked like a charm for me.

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Dave!

    Thanks for helping out. @Beau You have to update to version 4.0.3 which is compatible with WP 3.9 . As regards updating the file via ftp if you are not using a child theme for theme changes and have made changes to the theme core files then those changes would be lost. 

    All the Best,


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Beau replied

    Dave Cox could you do an tutorial video please so we know the run down on how to do that, we did try it but didn't seem to work.

  • Beau replied

    Can one of you guys please walk me through it on a google hangout. My facebook is https://www.facebook.com/BeauBuckleyNM

    I need to get this fixed asap. 

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Beau, if you've never update a theme before it might be easiest to simply do it through the WordPress dashboard. 

    Head on over to Appearance > Themes in your admin panel and active any other theme you have (such as twenty fourteen). Once done, you can now click on the "Theme Details" button over the Salient theme which will bring up a modal that has the "delete" button on the bottom right hand side. Use that to delete the current Salient version you have and then click on the "Add New Theme" in Appearance > Themes and finally the "Upload Theme" at the top. Now simply upload your salient.zip included in the main download from ThemeForest and you'll be good to go :)
