  Public Ticket #200242
Blog not showing multiple pages (and some other queries)


  •   Steve started the conversation
  •   Steve replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Steve, sorry for the delay!

    1. Yes, but it would require modding the header.php to add them in. You'd need to open that file and insert new list items containing these icons in this section:

    <ul class="sf-menu">	
    	if(has_nav_menu('top_nav')) {
    		 wp_nav_menu( array('walker' => new Nectar_Arrow_Walker_Nav_Menu, 'theme_location' => 'top_nav', 'container' => '', 'items_wrap' => '%3$s' ) ); 
    	else {
    		echo '<li><a href="">No menu assigned!</a></li>';
    	<li id="search-btn"><div><a href=""><span class="icon-salient-search" aria-hidden="true"></span></a></div></li>

    2. I see you've found the option to disable the header resize effect - if you want to turn it back on and simply scale the header differently you can adjust the shrink value in the init.js file located in the js folder at this section:

    if (logoHeight >= 40 && logoHeight < 60) shrinkNum = 8;
    else if (logoHeight >= 60 && logoHeight < 80) shrinkNum = 10;
    else if (logoHeight >= 80 ) shrinkNum = 14;

    3. Unfortunately the buttons are not meant to be used more than one per page - a plugin would be your best bet in this situation.

    4. I actually have not tested with many instagram feed plugins however, if your plugin allows you to place a shortcode to call the images you'd probably be able to place it into the caption field in the Nectar Slider.

    5. The sizes you're using are already web compressed and correctly sized. Your home page slider only takes 2 seconds on my end to fully load - are you still having this issue?

    6. Yes, this is correct - doing it this way gives you the freedom to control what displays above/below your blog such as the nectar slider you've placed on top. I would just leave the posts page as nothing as there's no point of setting it to anything in your case.

    7. Smooth scrolling simply forces the browser to scroll smoothly when using th mousewheel to show off parallax effects a lot better. It's resource intensive which is why there's the option to disable it though - and it shouldn't interfere with any scroll based plugins.

    8. If you're using a featured image than you shouldn't have the same image in the editor as that's the point of the featured image - if you want to hide the featured image and keep using the images in the editor instead add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel to get rid of the duplication:

    .post-featured-img {
      display: none!important;

    Cheers :)