  Public Ticket #2011973
Video Lightbox with Nectar Button and Icon V2


  • remimonedi started the conversation


    My previous ticket is no longer available si I have to rewrite one. And for this one I'd like no elusive answers but simple ones, like yes/no, here is the code.

    I obviously understand that not every customisation is possible on Salient but so far I didn't get any precise answer to my questions.

    SO, to start over : 

    The Video Lightbox Button and the lack of size settings is the problem. The "Play Button" is too big, as the "Nectar Button" option (and you can't set it to "See Through" like the regular "Nectar Button").

    I can't write CSS or HTML myself, but I can follow a step-by-step explanation, or copy/paste a CSS code and adapt it to my needs. Obviously I'd like to be able to repeat the process myself for future needs.

    OPTION A : I manage to get the style I want BUT with a Play "Icon" ( http://thewaenderer.com/products/ under each title) and a regular "Nectar Button" (http://thewaenderer.com/quick-tuts/ > the "Watch" button, top left corner)

    Is it possible to "transform" those into Video Lightbox?

    OPTION B : If Option A is impossible or too complicated, is it possible to resize the Video Lightbox Nectar Button? And change its style to a "See Through" style like the regular Nectar Button?

    Thank you

  •   remimonedi replied privately
  •  9,063
    Tahir replied

    The easiest solution is to add a "pp" class to the button . If you are using the shortcode you can add it to the color attribute :

    [button color="see-through pp" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="medium" url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5au1ynwEVw" text="MORE..." color_override="#ffffff"]

    or if you are using the Button Page Element then you can add it here : http://prntscr.com/np4agy .

    Have added both options on this page so you can get an idea and replicate it where needed. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • remimonedi replied

    Thank you Tahir, this is perfect.