  Public Ticket #202479
Line Breaks


  • Justin started the conversation

    I'm using latest Salient on latest WP. However, when I have a line break in a text box using visual composer, it works great! Until, I open the page back up and hit update. Then all line breaks disappear....

    If I edit the page using classic editor and dont open visual composer the line breaks stay intact.

    Any ideas?

  •  9,078
    Tahir replied

    Hey Justin!

    You can simply put html tags to put in line breaks like this <br> . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Justin replied

    Hi Tahir,

    That's what I've been doing. But these disappear the moment I open up the page in visual composer mode....


  •  9,078
    Tahir replied

    Hey Justin!

    I just pressed enter in Visual mode and i see a line break both in the Visual Composer as well as the live page that is both frontend and backend: See Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/3dkwp6  ?. What is happening on your end ?


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Justin replied

    Hi Tahir, I worked out it only happens on pages when I go to edit page and it says: 'Your page layout was created with previous Visual Composer version....' see screenshot: http://dev2.contentguard.com/wordpress/wp-content...

    The only way to fix this issue seems to rebuild each page from scratch. It's just fairly time consuming and the problem remains if I just c&p the html into a new page.

    No big - I'll just put in the hours rebuilding the pages.
