  Public Ticket #2038158
Custom page template


  •  1
    online-marketsquare started the conversation

    in your nectar hooks, you have functions for adding full screen markup for some page templates - problem is, that this function is not pluggable, as i see it - and therefore, you can't add your own templates to these sort of functions. 

    These chain function and actions are a hassle to overwrite with custom functions for a simple template - 

    Is there a nice way of adding your own custom page templates to theese conditions? 

    the functions are `nectar_fullpage_markup_open` and `nectar_fullpage_markup_close` inside actions.php

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey online-marketsquare,

    the two functions you're referring to are hooked onto "nectar_hook_before_content" and "nectar_hook_after_content", which you can also hook your own functions on. 

    Are you just trying to modify the functions nectar_fullpage_markup_open and nectar_fullpage_markup_close themselves? If so, in your child theme functions.php file you could do the following:

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'nectar_child_hooks_init', 20 );
    function nectar_child_hooks_init() {
        // Remove parent default output
        remove_action('nectar_hook_before_content', 'nectar_fullpage_markup_open');
        // Add custom child output
        add_action('nectar_hook_before_content', 'nectar_fullpage_markup_open_child');
    function nectar_fullpage_markup_open_child() {
        if ( is_page() ) {
            if ( is_page_template( 'template-no-footer.php' ) || 
            is_page_template( 'template-no-header.php' ) || 
            is_page_template( 'template-no-header-footer.php' ) ||
            ! is_page_template() ) {
                $nectar_fp_options = nectar_get_full_page_options();
                if ( $nectar_fp_options['page_full_screen_rows'] === 'on' ) {
                    echo '<div id="nectar_fullscreen_rows" data-animation="' . esc_attr( $nectar_fp_options['page_full_screen_rows_animation'] ) . '" data-row-bg-animation="' . esc_attr( $nectar_fp_options['page_full_screen_rows_bg_img_animation'] ) . '" data-animation-speed="' . esc_attr( $nectar_fp_options['page_full_screen_rows_animation_speed'] ) . '" data-content-overflow="' . esc_attr( $nectar_fp_options['page_full_screen_rows_content_overflow'] ) . '" data-mobile-disable="' . esc_attr( $nectar_fp_options['page_full_screen_rows_mobile_disable'] ) . '" data-dot-navigation="' . esc_attr( $nectar_fp_options['page_full_screen_rows_dot_navigation'] ) . '" data-footer="' . esc_attr( $nectar_fp_options['page_full_screen_rows_footer'] ) . '" data-anchors="' . esc_attr( $nectar_fp_options['page_full_screen_rows_anchors'] ) . '">';