It looks like the content has imported but you never set the home page in Settings > Reading or assigned the menu in Appearance > Menes. Here's the direct link to the imported home page from which you can access all of the projects:
Here's the direct URL for some various portfolio projects:
Having issues getting the demo content to upload. I click on demo importer -> Import / re-import and save changes.
It loads almost instantly and then when I go to the site, nothing was imported. it's still the basic information from Wordpress in the theme.
I've also tried to edit with the wpbakery editor but nothing happens.
Hey racehard, could you please share your URL and also let us know which demo you've imported?
Thanks in advance is the temp domain & I'm trying to use the Fullscreen Portfolio
Hey, thanks for sharing the URL.
It looks like the content has imported but you never set the home page in Settings > Reading or assigned the menu in Appearance > Menes. Here's the direct link to the imported home page from which you can access all of the projects:
Here's the direct URL for some various portfolio projects: