  Public Ticket #206036
Possible conflict with newest Salient and Editflow/Custom Post Statuses


  • Courtney started the conversation

    Hey again, Happy about the new salient fix for the header, fantastic stuff, you guys.

    Although now, after updating(Still on WP3.9, Updated to latest ver. of Salient), one of the plugins that we rely on heavily is Editflow, which is essentially a suite of different things, most pertinent of which involves custom post statuses so that at any given time among our editorial gauntlet, we can look at a post and determine where it stands relative to being a published piece.

    This morning, it was working fine. Following the full Salient update via FTP, the custom post statuses no longer appear in our Wordpress backend, and it would seem that these posts that were once categorized under these post statuses, are now orphaned data (only with respect to the user interface, because running wp_query would probably still return them)

    What I'm wondering is this: did anything change with custom post statuses relative to Salient? I've been looking into ways to make the statuses reappear in admin, but I'm at a loss. The plugin seems to be working fine, I've deactivated it, reactivated it, and nothing shows up. It was working fine this morning under the same configuration but with an earlier Salient version, so I feel as though this may be the culprit?

    In an attempt to recover the custom post status, I actually registered a custom post status that shares the name with a post status we created in Editflow, I felt like it would show up if I hardcoded it programmatically and hooked it into 'init', but even then, nothing is showing up in our admin outside of the primary Wordpress post statuses.

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. We're hoping to have this resolved by end of day tomorrow, because it may cause some forseeable trouble.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Attached is a screenshot of the coded custom status, and I couldn't get the dropdown to stay out, but it's just the typical "Published, Draft, etc"

  •  9,074
    Tahir replied

    Hey Courtney!

    I have flagged the ticket so the developer/author can add a response. In the meantime could you please provide us ur wp-admin login details in a private response so we can take a look .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   Courtney replied privately
  • Courtney replied

    Any word on this? I'm still trying to figure out why custom post statuses won't register, or at least our current ones won't show up... :(

  • Courtney replied

    I've confirmed that Salient is doing something to prevent the custom statuses. Downgrading to 2.6.5 (for lack of a backup with a later version) enabled the CPS to show up again. 

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Courtney, sorry for the delay! I think i've found what's causing the issue - the fix will be included in the next release which is due out next week :)

    Since you've already downgraded I would just wait until then or it's up to you if you wanna upgrade and have my log in and provide FTP access so I can give the fix.

    Cheers :)

  • Courtney replied
