  Public Ticket #207091


  • Beau started the conversation

    Hello there, im just running some test post with my blog for my membership site and i'm not happy with it. 

    With the salient Standard blog, in the theme priview the width seems to be wider and looks way better. Also how do i get the header in the picture i attached ?

    The two pictures are:

    1: Blog Content is Fullwidth how do i get mine like that ?

    2: Nav Menu becomes transparent with the header/ How do i do this and also the share buttons are on the right hand side and the writing is smaller.

    Blog on Membership site:

  • Beau replied

    Here is the second picture

    Check out my blog and compare the two and you will see what i mean. >>  http://viewtrakruniversity.com/blog

    Please provide feedback to how i achieve what Salient have done

  •  9,078
    Tahir replied

    Hey Beau!

    You need to enable the Full width page header option in the Blog Post 'Edit Page'  Page Header settings: http://prntscr.com/3fprvc . That will make the header transparent as well if you have it selected in Salient General Theme Options.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Beau replied

    I know how to make it transparent now. But what i asked about the blog is that my written content width is smaller. On the Salient Blog the written content etc is alot wider. I want to know how to do that. Making the Header Fullwidth doesn't change the width of the content within the blog post. 

    If you look at the Blog Standard and the width of it in the Salient Standard Blog on the new theme. Compared to mine http://viewtrakruniversity.com/test-blog/

    Check the attacthed picture and you will see the content width difference. The wider content withing Salient blog post looks way better. than how it does on mine as it just normal. Did they use a CSS code to do that ?

  •  9,078
    Tahir replied

    Hey Beau!

    Is seems that your post-content div container has a 94px left padding added to it that was causing the area to shrink. Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel:

    body .post-content {
        padding-left: 0px!important;


    ThemeNectar Support Team