  Public Ticket #207664
Visual Composer and Front End Layout Issue


  •  5
    Philipp started the conversation

    Hey :-)

    While trying to setup my new website I am currently struggling with one part of the page.

    Whenever I am trying to rebuild something similar like this "About Section":


    ...my fronted somehow mixes 2 visual composer rows and kind of destroys the layout. It's quite difficult to describe, so I attached a screenshot. Or see it in the live preview on my website (about section):


    I am not really sure what I am doing wrong and I already tried to rebuild it with the help of the dummy date (without success).

    Whatever I do, it doesn't seem to work?

    Any guess where that issue might come from?

    Thank you,


  •   Philipp replied privately
  •  5
    Philipp replied

    Ok...looks like I found a workaround with an extra css-class for the specif two columns:

    .about-height .wpb_wrapper {

    height: 250px !important;


    The content is now at least readable and the column not squished anymore but the pie charts are still the same mess. Whatever I do, they just wont work the way the should. That in mind, I think the pie chart issue might be involved with the 1st problem where I just found the workaround (even if I still don't have an explanation for this behavior).

    I am already curious if you understand what's happening here :-)

    Thank you!

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Philipp!

    Somehow you were missing some css that messed up this in return - i've added it into your Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel & adding some column padding :)


  •  5
    Philipp replied

    Thanks for your quick response. I was quite busy lately so I couldn't check it till now.
    Your changes seem to work on my desktop now (yey!)...but on mobiles my whole website is doing super crazy stuff and some of the sections are not where they are supposed to be.

    Especially the "about" section looks anything but right on mobiles :)

    Any change I somehow, somewhere messed up the visual composer?

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Philip!

    Could you please try updating to Salient Theme Version 4.1 .

    You can update your theme by downloading a fresh copy from ThemeForest, deleting the current version you have on your server and uploading the new.
    It's recommended that you use FTP, but this also can be done with the WP dashboard if you prefer. The reason FTP is superior for this is because the theme won't have to be deactivated during the process so you won't have to reassign your widgets. If you're
    interested in keeping up to date with the latest changes and fixes, please refer to the changelog: http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html
    Also, remember to clear your browser cache after each update if you notice anything off. Old theme files can persist in your local cache and make you think something's wrong.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    Ahhhh...looks like the new update solved some issues :)

    You guys rock!

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    Ok...I just saw that there still might be an issue with super high (27") and super small (smartphones) resolutions where the whole pie chart thing seems to doesn't properly center any more?

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    And the 27" screenshot:

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    ...and it also seems that my pie charts are missing that half transparent part like in every other example:


    Probably this comes with the other issue since it never worked so far?

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Philipp, I logged back in and sorted it for you - somehow your setup was not loading the visual composer stylesheet.

    Cheers :)

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    Thanks again for the super quick support! Looks way better now :-)

    If it doesn't take to long - may I ask what exactly the problem was and how you fixed it?
    I am just wondering - just in case it happens again (or even for others). So I don't need to bother you again :)

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    The visual composer front end stylesheet was not getting loaded - by default it's only supposed to get called conditionally if a VC row exists on the page - even though you page was full of them it was not getting enqueued. This could of been from a plugin conflict or something interfering with the VC logic for this - I sorted it by removing the conditional and simply loading the VC stylesheet all the time. This will also be sorted in the next release so you won't have to worry about keeping track of the fix :)
