I was wondering if it is possible to create a masonry grid where some items link through to pages, and some pop up as an image? Similar to this example http://j-scott.com/
So that is how I get a project thumbnail in the grid to link to another page? How do I get some of the thumbnails to just pop-up as an image like in the example?
Thanks for the quick reply again! I hope you had a great weekend too.
This does the job to extent, but is there away to keep to project name on hover and it opens as a full project or larger pop-up depending on how it's set-up? Also my view larger button isn't working currently.
I was wondering if it is possible to create a masonry grid where some items link through to pages, and some pop up as an image? Similar to this example http://j-scott.com/
Yes you can do that by adding a External Project url in here : http://prntscr.com/ohfnnh .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thanks for the quick response.
So that is how I get a project thumbnail in the grid to link to another page? How do I get some of the thumbnails to just pop-up as an image like in the example?
On his website some of the thumbnails link to project pages and some don't. That is what I would like to replicate if possible?
Hey Again, Hope you had a Great Weekend,
You have to use this styling : http://prntscr.com/oills8 .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hey Tahir,
Thanks for the quick reply again! I hope you had a great weekend too.
This does the job to extent, but is there away to keep to project name on hover and it opens as a full project or larger pop-up depending on how it's set-up? Also my view larger button isn't working currently.
No i am afraid there are no such extended options available.
ThemeNectar Support Team