If I want to use something else but not Image or Video at the beginning of a project portfolio page, I do not supply anything in the Page Header Image/Video.
It works fine, however the project image do not appear bellow the other projects (forwarding to this project) [see image bellow].
So in order to make it appear back, I decided to set an image in the Page Header, and then remove it by using CSS:
Hi there!
If I want to use something else but not Image or Video at the beginning of a project portfolio page, I do not supply anything in the Page Header Image/Video.
It works fine, however the project image do not appear bellow the other projects (forwarding to this project) [see image bellow].
So in order to make it appear back, I decided to set an image in the Page Header, and then remove it by using CSS:
#page-header-wrap .fullscreen-header {
display: none !important;
It did remove the content, but it didnt move the container bellow it to the beginning of the page... [see image bellow]
Can you suggest me how can I do this?
BTW if I use Page Header VIDEO, it won't show up there neither.
I tried your code, it didn't work.
Hey Andrew,
Thank you for helping!
How could I add exception pages to this script?