  Public Ticket #209638
Template Breaking!


  • Neal started the conversation

    The Salient theme that we use has broken twice, leaving a white page for the homepage, twitter, fb, and social media feeds do not work, and nearly all of the images and texts does not show. This has happened twice, and the first time we reloaded the theme to see if it would work and it did, but this time it is not.

    No one is making changes to the site and you can look at the homepage to see that the theme is completely broken. The issue with the twitter widget connecting to the Twitter API leads us to believe that this is a hosting/infrastructure issue, but we are unsure.

    We've had limited success restoring the theme's appearance by things like resaving permalinks and swapping out the theme temporarily but we of course shouldn't have to do this.

    Both times nobody was working on the website at the time. It just..."broke". 

    Please, help somebody help! Its been two days of us being down, and still waiting for tech support to help.
