  Public Ticket #218397
Portfolio thumbnails suddenly sized wrong


  • Nathan started the conversation


    I was in the middle of adding new portfolio items when my portfolio thumbnails started to revert back to their original square size as is typical with the Salient theme. What is strange is that I was in the middle of creating about 8 or 9 new portfolio items and this only affected the last 7. All previous items are fine, even the new one, just before this started to occur.

    I have no idea why, I have no CDN enabled or minifying or caching plugin etc.

    Prior to this I had to revert back to Salient 4.0.3 because 4.1 completely glitched out my Wordpress installation. (This may be a hosting issue, not a Salient problem - yet to be resolved.)

    Would be great if you could take a look and see what's going wrong. The front page is a great example - it shows 2 book covers perfectly sized and 1 with the square size. It's using attachment-portfolio-thumb while the other ones are using custom-thumbnail.

    I'm not sure why there is a difference or how I can change that. Any help would be appreciated!



  •   Nathan replied privately
  •  9,086
    Tahir replied

    Hey Nathan!

    Have flagged the ticket so the developer can add in a response. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Nathan replied

    Thanks Tahir!

    I'll be showing the website to an audience tomorrow morning. Any chance the developer could have a quick look?



  • Nathan replied

    Do I need to deregister add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ); from the parent functions.php?

    I already have the following in my child functions.php:

    add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );

    add_image_size( 'portfolio-thumb', 700, 9999, true ); 

    But for some reason my new portfolio images are going back to the parent theme's 600 x 403.

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Nathan! Sorry for the weekend delay -

    I'm currently seeing "NetworkError: 404 Not Found -

  • Nathan replied

    Sorry, I had to remove the obvious square thumbnails from the home page before it was shown to a live panel yesterday.

    If you visit http://thrilleredge.com/books/ you'll see that a few of them are using square thumbnails for no reason.

    In particular, the Steve Worland, Mark Abernethey and Tony Cavanaugh books. They are recent additions I've made and they all seem to show square thumbnails.

    I've disabled the CDN and Autoptimize for you.



  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    It would appear you are missing the correct image size declaration from your functions.php for overwriting the default size in the masonry portfolio - target the regular size like:

    add_image_size( 'regular', 700, 9000, true );

    and regenerate your thumbnails again :)

  • Nathan replied

    Thank you!

    I'm finding it's being stubborn though. I'm probably missing something obvious here, perhaps you can point out my mistake.

    If I regenerate thumbnails, it generates my regular size, but ignores my portfolio-thumb size. And even though it does generate my new regular size (500, 9999) it doesn't use it on the portfolio masonry page.

    The recent projects carousel on the home page is using the 600 x 403 pixels, which I noticed is the portfolio-thumb size declared in the Salient functions.php.

    So I've included this into the child theme's functions.php:

    add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );

    add_image_size( 'portfolio-thumb', 600, 9999, true );

    add_image_size( 'regular', 500, 9999, true );

    However, I'm noticing that when I regenerate the thumbnails the only 600 x images regenerated are 600 x 403. It seems to ignore my child theme's portfolio-thumb image size and I'm not sure why.

    Really appreciate your help!

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again!

    Try adding it into the after_setup_theme action in the child theme:

    function parent_theme_setup() {
        add_image_size( 'portfolio-thumb', 600, 9999, true );
        add_image_size( 'regular', 500, 9999, true );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'parent_theme_setup' );
  • Nathan replied


    Thank you!

  • Nathan replied

    I hate to bring this up again but it turns out it's not working. I've re-checked everything and all the changes you've suggested are correctly in place. Every time I add a new portfolio item it doesn't work. Existing ones work fine until I edit them, then they get messed up again. I've regenerated thumbnails several times and to no effect.

    Your Wordpress login is still the same as mentioned in this thread. You might need it to turn off these plugins: CDN Linker, Autoptimize, in order to test anything properly.

    I'll post FTP details privately.


    You can see all the new thumbnails in the recent projects shortcode are squares, cropping the book covers quite badly.

    I really have no idea why it's doing this. Maybe something in a recent Salient update has overwritten my changes in the child theme or maybe this was never fixed in the first place. Really not sure!

    Thanks x100!


  • Nathan replied

    And just as I'm about to enter the FTP details, it starts working again! :)

    I have 3 portfolio items that are refusing to show the full image, so I'll try to get them working before reporting back here.

  • Nathan replied

    Once I added the book cover again to Custom Thumbnail Image under Project Configuration, the images started working again. (Previously that was the cause of the problem, but it seems not anymore.) Resolved!