  Public Ticket #2188802
Links on sidebar menus


  • joselopezfernandez started the conversation


    Good afternoon, I use submenus on the sidebar of my pages, you can see it in the related URL, is there any way to highlight in the sidebar the element that we are currently visiting?
    Thank you.

  •  3,057
    Andrew replied

    Hi Jose,

    Use the following custom css:

    #sidebar li a:hover {
        color: green !important;

    Hope this helps.

  • joselopezfernandez replied

    Thanks, but that is not exactly what I want, I want the visitor to know which page it is in, just like in the top menu the link that the user has selected is marked in red, I want for example to put the submenu in green that the user has selected, the page they are currently on.


  •  3,057
    Andrew replied

    Hi Jose,

    Apologies for the late reply on this.

    Could you try this CSS instead:

    .ascend #sidebar .widget.widget_nav_menu li.current-menu-item a{
     color:white !important;
     padding-left:2% !important;
    .ascend #sidebar .widget.widget_nav_menu li.current-menu-item{
     background-color:red !important;

    add it to salient \ general settings - css script related - custom css code.

    Hope this helps. 

  • joselopezfernandez replied

    Thanks, it works perfectly