  Public Ticket #2204560
'Recent Posts' WP Bakery widget is cropping featured image


  • marketingbtl started the conversation

    I've added a 'Recent Posts' WP Bakery widget to my page with the 'Classic Enhanced' style, however it crops and resizes the featured image, meaning that any text on the image is being cut off (see attachment).

    The page isn't live yet, so I've attached an image of the html which shows that it is generating a cropped, resized version of the featured image so I can't fix it with CSS.

    Is this something that is to do with the theme or is it Wordpress? I've used an older version of theme which didn't do this, so I believe it's the theme. Is there a setting somewhere that will stop this? Or if there some functionality you can add to tell it not to do this?


  •  3,057
    Andrew replied

    Hi marketingbtl,

    There is no workaround right now as the recent post will use the generated 600 X 403 version of your images. What you can do is maybe try and upload images that are around the same aspect ratio as 600 X 403.

    Alternatively you can try and use a different element such as the blog.
