  Public Ticket #2207218
Color Overlay for Post Header Image


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    Louis started the conversation

    For Pages, there is an option for a Page Header Overlay Color, but there is not for Posts. I would like to add a dark overlay for the images in the post header for all posts. It would be the same color for every post, so it's not something that I need to change for different kinds of posts. How can I add this?

  •   Louis replied privately
  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi Louis,

    You could this CSS to add an overlay on you single post page like this one - https://www.freewaychurch.cc/2019/11/05/whats-happening-freeway/. We set a featured image since a featured image is needed:

    body.single-post .page-header-bg-image:after{
        background-color: rgba(45,100,45,0.60) !important;

    add it to salient \ general settings - css script related - custom css code.

    Adjust the 45,100,45 values to adjust the color and the 0.6 to adjust the opacity \ intensity of the color.

    Hope this helps. 

  •  1
    Louis replied

    That worked perfectly Andrew. Thank you!

    As a follow-up, at the bottom of the post it has links for Previous and Next posts. When you mouseover those it adds a dark overlay to the image, which I like. Can I add an overlay to the images when they are in their resting (i.e. non-hover) states?

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi Louis,

    You can use this CSS for adding an overlay on the resting \ non-hover:

    .blog_next_prev_buttons[data-style="fullwidth_next_prev"] ul .next-post:after {
        background-color: rgba(130,130,13,0.5) !important;

    Hope this helps.

  • Evita replied

    I'm having a similar problem, I want to increase the color overlay opacity for the post header image - the CSS code down below works only in case if Blog Header Type is set to Variable height. My header is Fullscreen, and it doesn't seem to work.

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi Evita,

    Can you share a link to your website where you set that.


  • Evita replied

    Please see http://eviinotes.com/blogs/pirma-diena/

    I've set up the Blog Header Type to "Fullscreen with meta under". Here are the screenshots - when set to "Variable height minimal", the overlay color adjustment works, but not in the fullscreen case.

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi Evita,

    Use the following custom css:

    .page-header-bg-image {
        opacity: .5;

    Hope this helps.

  • Evita replied

    That works! Thanks a lot!