On the home page, there is a small image that pops up when you hover over the cart icon when there's something in the cart. It has a background currently that is black, can you please tell me how to change it to match my site colors?
Thanks Andrew that worked, although now I have what looks to be a black highlight over the price & x in the right corner... see the attached screenshot.
On the home page, there is a small image that pops up when you hover over the cart icon when there's something in the cart. It has a background currently that is black, can you please tell me how to change it to match my site colors?
Thanks you!
Hi there,
Could you try and use this CSS:
add it to salient \ general settings - css script related - custom css code.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Andrew that worked, although now I have what looks to be a black highlight over the price & x in the right corner... see the attached screenshot.
Thanks Andrew, it seems to have fixed itself.