  Public Ticket #2222251
Custom Icon upload


  •  16
    Josée started the conversation

    I saw in another ticket, that it is possible to add my own custom icons to a folder and use them in a shortcode. 

    Simply add them to this folder: http://prntscr.com/a203dq . "salient/css/fonts/svg" and add the svg name in the shortcode.

    Do note that the icons wont appear in the Theme Options panel and the above is just a hack . 

    So I succeed doing it with the files that are already there, but I do not with mine. The files that are there are like iconname.svg.php . Mine are iconname.svg

    That's probably the reason but how do I transform my icon to be usable that way (with .php)? See the 2 kinds of files in the attachment. Sorry I don't have a link to give, site is in dev.


  •  9,060
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Simply try renaming the filename to ".svg.php" and check . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  16
    Josée replied

    Hello! What Tahir suggested worked out. I just added ".php" to my file and in the shortcode, with trials and errors, I found out I have to leave the ".svg" to the image.  e.g. =  [icon color="accent-color" icon_size="80" image="iconname.svg"]

    I didn't try Andrew solutions though... maybe they work too.

    Thanks to both of you.