  Public Ticket #2238801
Import error


  • Gonzalo started the conversation

    Hi, please excuse my limited English. My problem appears when it comes to importing a demo: it gets stuck at 99%. If I press "Save Changes" or I just go to "Pages" or whatever, everything looks good as if the demo import had been totally completed, but I don´t really think it is, because what I did was just leaving "Demo Importer" while it was stuck at 99% saying "Please Wait...". If I import the demo "Agency" no problems exist: it gets downloaded very fast, like 2 seconds. But the problem appears when I try to import demos like: "Corporate-2" or "Corporate-Creative": they take like 1-2 minutes to get to 99% and then they freeze.

  •  3,056
    Andrew replied

    Hey there,

    Please update your PHP version to 7.2

    Please check for server php errors using this guide: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/your-complete-guide-to-troubleshooting-wordpress/ . It would be best to contact the hosting provider and have them look into this as they are aware of the Server Configuration Details .


  • Gonzalo replied

    My current version is updated to 7.3.12 as you can see. I don't know what to do... Who should I contact then? I don't know who the hosting provider is: ovh? Thank you for your help.

  •   Andrew replied privately
  •   Gonzalo replied privately
  • Gonzalo replied

    Ahhh finally!!! What i did was increasing max_execution_time to 180 seconds. I don´t know if this is the final solution or I´m just lucky this time, but yeah it works :)

  •  9,060
    Tahir replied

    Glad you got it sorted. 


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