I want to add some custom code to the function called "nectar_header_button_items()" found in salient/nectar/helpers/header.php on line 941 but can only do this in the parent theme strucutre. I want to customise the file in my child theme to avoid futer update removal but the changes are not showing in the child theme - only when I do it in the parent theme. Please can you help with a solution? Can I add the function to my child theme functions.php file?
I want to add some custom code to the function called "nectar_header_button_items()" found in salient/nectar/helpers/header.php on line 941 but can only do this in the parent theme strucutre. I want to customise the file in my child theme to avoid futer update removal but the changes are not showing in the child theme - only when I do it in the parent theme. Please can you help with a solution? Can I add the function to my child theme functions.php file?
Hey ,
That function can be overriden in a Child theme as it is extendable : http://prntscr.com/qaimhw .
You will have to copy paste the whole function in the Child theme and make the changes to it.
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thank you :)