  Public Ticket #2246923
Initial Scrolling / Anchor Scrolling issue


  • blickgerecht started the conversation


    after updating Salient we see a problem on loading a page with anchor. Usually the page should scroll down to the section with green background here: https://www.katastrophen-nachsorge.de/stiftung/spenden/#spenden

    Instead it'll scroll down to far. When the page does not reload (press "Spenden" within the navigation again after initial loading) it'll scroll to the right place. On mobile it also works perfect.

    So the issue probably is the calculation of the Header-Space/-Offset on initial page load on desktop. It's also existing on other pages: https://www.katastrophen-nachsorge.de/faq/#fuer-betroffene

    Always only on initial loading it'll scroll to far down. When changing the navigation to not get smaller on scrolling it's still their – so that's not the problem.

    Please help!

    Best, Roland

  •  9,060
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    See Screenshot : http://prntscr.com/i9h8j7 . You need to turn off the Header Resize Option  


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • blickgerecht replied

    Hi Tahir,

    as I already said, that does not solve the problem. It even makes it worst as the header hight is increasing and the header then will be above the content where you will be scrolled to by initially loading the page with the anchor link (https://www.katastrophen-nachsorge.de/stiftung/spenden/#spenden) – see screenshot.

    Before updating it also worked correctly with all kinds of headers (hide until needed, resize, etc.). After taking a look at the init.js of salient it seems like every case for the initial anchor scrolling is coded their. But it simply does not work as you see on desktop resolution.

    So please help us with that!


  •  9,060
    Tahir replied

    Could you allow us to log in to your website backend dashboard so we can check on this for you more?. We are gonna need the username and password of admin user as well as the login url.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • blickgerecht replied

    Hi Tahir,

    I will make a copy of the site and send the url, username and password to you today. Thanks for keeping up on that!
