  Public Ticket #228251
page content is forced to one side


  • Josh started the conversation

    The page content on this page is loading in a 50px wide div to the right of the normal page content area.  I'm not sure when it started, but I know it wasn't doing this prior to our WP 3.9 update.

    Any ideas?

  •  9,016
    Tahir replied

    Hey Josh!

    Can you please elaborate with a screenshot as i cant seem to find the 50 px wide div. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Josh replied

    Yeah, sorry.  I'm not sure what caused the issue, which was happening on only 2 pages.  I cut all the code from the page, deleted it and recreated it,, then pasted the same code back in.  Now it is working normally.